The NYPGA rebate program and other marketing initiatives has made excellent progress, which are spearheaded by Warm Thoughts Communications, Inc., and funded by the New York Propane Education and Research Council (NYPERC).
The new rebate program effectively launched in late March. We also modified the rebates so that some money could be used towards upgrades of existing propane appliances, not just conversions. The process has been streamlined from a two-step application process to a one-step after the installation.
Here are the results of the revised program after just 3 months:
Other interesting insights:
17 different companies have submitted rebates this year
Of the 54 appliances, 63% have been for conversions to propane from another fuel, 37% have been for upgrades.
Types of Appliances
Boilers — 5
Furnaces — 26
Water Heaters — 23
Of these, 8 were combo heating and hot water
The average rebate has been $351 per rebate, $299 per appliance
The program has spent $16,150 — we have approximately $15,000 (1/2) remaining in the budget
At current spend levels, we will fund another 43 rebates