Keep Warm with a Propane-Fueled Fireplace from Liberty Gas

couple holding red mugs.

Did you know that Liberty Gas Service not only provides propane to keep your home running clean and efficiently but that we also offer propane products to keep you warm and toasty in the winter, as well as, cool as a cucumber in the summer?

One particular product that can warm your home, your heart, and your toes this time of the year is a propane-fueled fireplace. Enjoy the comfort, pleasure, and efficiency of a propane fireplace during these cold months while the wind is whipping and the thermostat is dropping.

Fireplaces come in a wide variety of decors, styles, and have the latest technology. Some models are even controllable from your mobile device of choice. There is a perfect fit out there waiting for you and Liberty can install it quickly!

The ambiance created is exhilarating and the atmosphere is warm and inviting. All this without the hassle and worry of an unpredictable fire and a smoke-filled room. 

Consider the following benefits of a propane fireplace:

Easy to Maintain and Use – Besides being efficient and cheaper, propane fireplaces are easy to maintain. A roaring propane fire requires no tending to, is controlled, and cleanup is minimal. Parts are easy to clean and find, and maintenance instructions are simple to follow. Our crew at Liberty Gas will walk you through safe operation in just a few moments.

The Latest Tech – Propane fireplaces have so many features that take advantage of modern technology compared to the old-school wood-burning fireplaces. Some features include push-to-start, remote control options, advance temperate control and Bluetooth capability from your mobile device.

Choice of Décor – Are you a home decorator that is particularly particular?  Well, matching styles from traditional to modern is no problem as there are fireplaces available to suit every desire. Decorative options come in a wide variety and fit the most unique tastes. The fireplace can be a centerpiece of the home, so it’s important to complement and blend into the surroundings.  

Efficiency – Fireplaces are not only a fine decorative addition, but they are more efficient for heating.  Those powered by propane offer fireplace efficiency (FE) ratings exceeding 90%, while traditional wood-burning fireplaces are about 15% efficient. The lack of efficiency in wood-burning fireplaces is largely because of the loss of thermal energy and warm air through the chimney and out of the home.  Perhaps the least efficient, most energy-wasteful way to heat a room is with an open fireplace because so much warmth goes up the chimney.

Safety – Propane fireplaces include modern technology and safety features you’ve come to expect from other household appliances. Direct vent fireplaces eliminate the need for a flue through the roof, so backdrafts aren’t an issue. The vent pipe can be installed through the wall with a fire-caulked flange.

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