Got a Generator? County Officials Warn of Active Hurricane Season

hurricane image.

With a major hurricane about to hit Florida, the Liberty Gas team would like to offer tips for hurricane preparation. Ahead you will find more useful information regarding storm preparedness along with intriguing Long Island hurricane facts.

If you don’t have propane service with us or a propane-fueled generator, there is still time to act!  Call us today at 631-288-0902!

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Hurricane Centeris predicting the East Coast could see 10-17 named storms this season, so it’s always best to be prepared. Hurricane season officially runs from June 1 to November 30, with the prime season for the Atlantic Coast running from mid-August through mid-October.

Contact Liberty Gas today if you have any questions related to preparing your home with a generator or propane service this season.

Among Suffolk County’s hurricane preparedness recommendations are a kit with food, water, batteries, medication and basic supplies to last at least three days. They also recommend becoming familiar with your evacuation route if you live in a flood zone.

Suffolk County is coordinating with the New York State National Guard to offer hurricane preparedness training classes through September. Please check for details.

Unfortunately, Long Island is no stranger to dangerous hurricanes and tropical storms. This October marks the 7th anniversary of the second-deadliest tropical storm in New York State history – Superstorm Sandy. Sandy damaged or destroyed almost 100,000 homes and buildings on Long Island. This September marks 81 years since the deadliest storm on record, the Long Island Express in 1938.

NOAApredicts a hurricane will strike Nassau and Suffolk every 18 years, with the last to directly hit Long Island being Gloria, a Category 2, 34 years ago on September 27, 1985. The prediction for a major hurricane in the Category 3 to 5 range to target Long Island is once every 70 years. The last one was Hurricane Donna (Category 3) on September 11, 1960.

The Deadliest Hurricanes / Tropical Storms in modern Long Island and New York State History (according to

The Long Island Express, 1938. Death toll: 60

Superstorm Sandy, 2012. Death toll: 53

Hurricane Edna, 1954. Death toll: 29

Hurricane Agnes, 1972; the Great Atlantic Hurricane, 1944. Death toll: 6 in each.

Hurricane Irene, 2011. Death toll: 5

The Deadliest Hurricanes / Tropical Storms in modern Long Island and New York State History (according to

The Long Island Express, 1938. Death toll: 60

Superstorm Sandy, 2012. Death toll: 53

Hurricane Edna, 1954. Death toll: 29

Hurricane Agnes, 1972; the Great Atlantic Hurricane, 1944. Death toll: 6 in each.

Hurricane Irene, 2011. Death toll: 5

Tropical storm Cristobal, 2002. Death toll: 3

Tropical storm Beryl, 1994; Hurricane Floyd, 1999. Death toll: 2 in each.

Helpful Resources

NOAA National Hurricane Center

National Weather Service

Suffolk County OEM

FEMA / American Red Cross

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